larger copper heart earrings
I worked for days on the patina of these earrings. I added layer upon layer of different effects with varied and sundry methods to get just the look for which I was searching. They were hammered and beaten, filed and sanded before being hung from these sterling earwires I made just for them.
Now they are hanging in my Etsy store. Go and buy them, will you? ;0)
And now I've just returned from a walk with my oldest son. He broke his finger on Friday and is feeling a bit punky. His finger hurts and he's a little down. So I convinced him to walk with me and the pups. Almost as soon as we left the house I found this bright, striped, dark spotted, heart-shaped leaf, which reminded me so much of the earrings I worked on so long. Even though I know it is just a leaf that I found on the sidewalk, I believe in synchronicity. I believe in the power of love, magic, and the oneness of us all. Yes, I'm wild like that. Finding the leaf made me feel seen and loved. I picked it up and put it onto my son's chest and made it thump, thump, thump, which made him laugh out loud. Which made me smile. Which was all good in the most simple of ways.
Wherever you may find yourself this day, I hope you will embrace the small miracles, the simple joys, and the magic that is your own life. Remember that you are seen and recognized by all that is good and glorious. You are Loved.