I gathered a few friends together to exchange Valentine hearts so we could each make a banner with a dozen hearts. I just finished mine today (that's them up there) and have put them all out in the mail. That is always so hard for me. I want to hold onto them and hang them up right here. I would be better about it if I made them earlier and could enjoy them a little longer. But, as I was sick for a few days, I was up at the last minute painting like a mad woman. As soon as they were dry they went right into their envelope. Oh I will miss them. I'll highlight them over a couple days and then I'll show you the ones I get back from my friends. Which is wonderful! I love it when the mailbox overflows with envelopes full of painted and sewn treasures! It makes it all better again.
This was one of the first few that I made. It is of a broken heart that is healing.
And it has all manner of secrets and thoughts written all over it.
I think I posted this one another day. Not sure if I posted it here or somewhere else. It is titled Love is Never Lost. The morning I painted this a girl I went to school with when I was younger passed away. I was feeling pretty low and thinking of all the people who loved her and how sad they all must be feeling. And I kept thinking that the love we feel for someone never leaves even though the physical form of the person may pass on. Their love lives on with us long after they have moved on.
This one is titled Love is Home. It is hard to see the details in the photo. I used a chalky blue gel pen to write around the little collaged house.
The roof of the house was made from a check written on February 3rd, 1920 in Montana. The little birds are from a label from some old matches. This heart has lots of layers of paint, ink and pens.
This one is more abstract with a little home closing it up at the bottom.
All right, I have to run off and help a little boy study for his social studies test . 'Hope you enjoyed the hearts!
These are all gorgeous Kelly! I just got done looking at Pip's...wow...I am jealous! hehe! Fantastic idea and a wonderful sharing of love!
Posted by: sharon | February 01, 2012 at 08:50 PM
Thank you Sharon! Ive gotten some gorgeous hearts.
Kelly - Sent from my groovy iPhone
Posted by: kelly snelling | February 01, 2012 at 09:14 PM
Sister I still so love the one that is titled love is not lost and hint hint my birthday is in May. I know I shouldn't want it but I do. It the memories, the internals it reminds me of and not the external and it's blue. But more than that I know love is never lost because i can always find it in you. and if you don't have time and you're tired of them that's ok too. most of all, i'd like to see you and all that comes with ou. your people
Sent you a pm on fb please read. thanks
Posted by: Bethany Geurin | February 01, 2012 at 10:16 PM
I love you too sister. But I do t have that valentine anymore theyre all mailed out. I suppose I can make a girl a birthday one though.
Kelly - Sent from my groovy iPhone
Posted by: kelly snelling | February 02, 2012 at 07:58 AM
i knew they were gone, duh, kind of what i was hinting at about the b day thing, it's not until may. truly. i only want one thing. i wish you happiness and peace, i don't need a piece of metal with a bird on it to remind me of you. you are always with me in my heart and thoughts. wish we could fly together in our dreams tonight. wait, on the chantix i probably can. i was having a material moment, just know i think your valentine's are superb, like mom's valentine boxes she used to do for us were, the cat's meow. see you around the milk bowl kitty.
Posted by: Bethany Geurin | February 03, 2012 at 05:53 PM