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December 15, 2010


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Deryn Mentock

This is what I love about you...your caring soul. <3<3<3 to you, friend!

Nancy Jamar

So well put, Kel. You made me a little teary! I am all for slowing down, taking time, and giving each moment its due. It's been a hellacious year, but I have been trying to do the same thing, and put it in perspective. Bravo!

Kim Mailhot

I am trying to stay off the computer and be really present in my life as much as possible and that is why I have missed this beautiful, beautiful post, Kelly. I have found much of that same Christmas Spirit this year and I am so grateful for it ! It truly does come from setting expectations and pretty much zero and just letting the moments take you where you are "supposed" to go. I love that you are savoring your children and the creative time you have taken to make handmade gifts.I am inspired to keep this kind of focus as I go through this last week of preparations myself.

I am sending you and your sweet sweet family lots of love and prayers of a multitude of joyous moments together.
Merry Christmas !

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