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October 18, 2009


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Love Love Love your necklaces clever girl and I am especially thrilled with my raven adornment! Thank You to the heavens and back. I am so digging this gift exchange! Tomorrow you can open my pressie! hee hee

I'm sitting here eating tart apple and persimon crisp, wishing your could join me for dessert and a cup of tea. How I enjoy fall food and warm drink, mmmmmm so sooooothing.

BIG Love! May tomorrow be chill for you and the little people. XXOOX


Love the necklaces. Just creepy enough to be Poe but still VERY cute! :) You sound like me overwhelmed and done in. I find that I can't get much done during the week with my youngest being homeschooled and then I try to do too much on Friday and Saturday and by the end of the weekend I need a drool cup and a stuffed animal representing my inner child. ;p But I'm ok. I feel better today and ready to start my week. Nothing like a good nights sleep and a new outlook. Oh those people with the alleged balloon hoax. I say alleged because I'm the first to jump up and point fingers. I knew something was stinky and won't be surprised if they get charged with fraud. It's sad what people will resort to for attention. Wow, I rambled. TTFN


Oh, I just love my little black heart! You know me too well! The pearl and purple sari silk were just perfecto. I spied a group of our local murder of Ravens watching me take snaps of this beauty. I think they wanted to take it from me!

Thank you for this delicious treat of Poe!

ruth rae

love these! (you know I had two crows as pets when I was a girl?)

Tamerie Shriver

I love all the different hearts and the one crow! How talented you are!

Antique looking rings

I love the Raven necklace!Mija- you are so lucky to get it! All of them are unique and beautiful but I love bird symbols in my jewelry- don't even know why :) Good to know I am not alone hehe :) Did you make these out of Fimo?

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